Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Send Your Congressmen & Sentators A Letter Objecting To A War Against Iran

Here's the letter suggested/shared by Jeremy Hier:

October 2, 2007

The Bush Administration is on track with its plans to attack Iran before George Bush Jr. leaves office in 18 months.

Unfortunately, few Americans think this is probable, let alone possible.

It is both.

I agree with Scott Ritter and Daniel Ellsberg (of "The Pentagon Papers" fame) that this attack will have negative consequences on the world and American citizens far in excess of 9/11 and the Iraq War.

It could very well be the final nail in the coffin of American democracy.

With that in mind...

Here are some facts to share with your friends and colleagues about the Iran situation to stop this war before it starts:

*** Reality check

The Bush propagandists are hard at work trying to draw a comparison between Nazi Germany and Iran.

There are a few major problems with their fairy tale.

For example:

1. Modern Iran has no history of military aggression

Fact: Iran has never invaded or attacked another country in the Middle East or elsewhere.

In contrast, the US has savaged Iraq causing the death of over 600,000 civilians since 2003 alone.

In the summer of 2006, Israel bombarded Lebanon in a "search for terrorists" killing over 1,000 civilians and causing billions of dollars in damage to the country's infrastructure (airport, ports, roadways, housing, and factories.)

In 1980, the US encouraged its ally Saddam Hussein to attack Iran and he did with terrible consequences for the Iranian people.

2. Who has nukes?


a. Iran has no nuclear weapons
b. Iran lacks the ability to create nuclear weapons
c. Iran is permitted by international treaty to develop
a nuclear energy program.

In contrast, the US has the largest nuclear weapons stockpile on earth and has stated, under the Bush administration, its "right" to use them "pre-emptively" at President Bush's discretion. The US continues to develop new and "improved" nuclear weapons.

Israel has a well developed nuclear weapons program and is the only nuclear power in the Middle East.

3. The US attacked Iran in the 1980s using Iraq as a surrogate

Saddam Hussein, who was put in power by the US, was supported in his invasion of Iran with billions of dollars in US weapons shipped to him by Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. and coordinated
by people including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.

Over 300,000 Iranians were killed in this US-funded war and over 500,000 were wounded.

It was during the US supported-Iraq attack on Iran that the US transferred chemical and biological weapons technology to Iraq. There is evidence that the Bush family commercially
profited from these arms exports.

4. The US installed and maintained a tyranny in Iran that operated from 1953 to 1979.

In 1953, the US and CIA with help from the UK engineered a violent overthrow of the country's democratically elected government and then supported a brutal, anti-democratic dictator in Iran - the
so called "Shah of Iran" - who jailed thousands of dissidents and engaged in vicious torture.

*** Military considerations

1. Iran is the 18th largest country in the world by size - the area of the UK, France and German combined.

2. Iran has over 70 million people - three times the population of Iraq

3. The Iranian military

Unlike Iraq, which lost a war with the US in 1990 and was militarily attacked non-stop up to the US invasion in 2003, Iran has had approximately 20 uninterrupted years to build and refine it defense capacity

4. Iranians are as patriotic about their country as Americans are about theirs and will stand and fight
as they proved when attacked by Iraq in 1980.

When fighting Iraq, Iran used every human and material recourse it had including "human waves"
of poorly armed and equipped suicide troops who overcame the Iraqis with their sheer numbers.

We have 160,000 troops in the region. The Iranians have 70,000,000 people and they will be fighting
on their home turf for their homeland.

5. Invaders are always at a disadvantage no matter how technologically advanced.

Invaders who have a supply line many thousands of miles long are at an extreme disadvantage.

6. Iranian tactics and operations are up-to-date and formidable.

Iranian-trained militias in Lebanon were able to counter an all out attack on Lebanon by the
US-equipped Israel army and air force and compel the Israelis to retreat and agree to a cease-fire.

7. Potential Iranian responses to a US attack

Iran in a counterattack has the option of:

a. closing the Straits of Hormuz (through which over 20%
of the world's oil passes),
b. attacking Israel, and/or
c. attacking US military installations in Iraq

None of these operations would be difficult or expensive to carry out.

However, the financial and human consequences could be extreme.

Oil, already at $80 a barrel could, according to Wall Street analysts, hit $200 per barrel - or more - with a doubling of current gasoline prices.

Thousands of civilians and military personnel could be killed and wounded in a matter of days.

*** Is war with Iran possible?


1. Bush has the legal authority

Bush secured the legal authority to attack any country any time for any reason post 9/11 and pre-Iraq invasion. Congress has never taken this power back from him.
They need to do it. NOW.

2. The troops, weapons and plans needed are already in place

The so called "surge" has put many extra thousands of US troops and equipment into the region. (For the geographically challenged Iran is right next to Iraq.)

3. The propaganda war has already started

A very well funded and well organized propaganda operation - Freedom's Watch - staffed by former
Bush administration officials has set up in Washington DC with a multi-million dollar budget to "sell" war with Iran to the American people.

Sadly, they are doing an excellent job and few Americans are aware of how they are being conned

*** Who benefits from attacking Iran?

The people who will benefit from an attack on Iran are very same people who benefited - and continue to benefit - from the invasion of Iraq:

1. Oil companies - the price of their product will skyrocket

2. Weapons makers - including the Carlyle Group, which the Bush family owns a major stake in.

3. Virulent Anti-Muslim and Arab zealots in Israel and elsewhere - and the idiots in America who support them

4. Insiders with the financial resources place "bets" on the war: buy gold, buy oil, short the US dollar etc.

5. Anti-democratic forces in the United States

About this last point...

Starting with the Reagan administration and continuing unabated through the Clinton administration and accelerating after 9/11, the executive branch of the United States government has methodically been:

1. Destroying traditional rights and protections guaranteed to US citizens by the Constitution

2. Creating a police state apparatus designed to silence and suppress dissent with maximum force.

Simply by declaring you an "enemy combatant" or someone who "supports" a declared enemy, you can be arrested and held without charge indefinitely and without the right to counsel.

This means that should the Bush administration engage in a war of naked aggression against Iran openly killing thousands of innocent Iranian civilians with bombardment, including nuclear attacks, the very act of speaking out about the immorality of such an attack could land you in jail
for the rest of your life or until such time the President of the United States decides to release you.

Does this sound improbable?

It's not.

Imagine this possible scenario.

The US attacks Iran.

Iran counterattacks hitting Israel and US troops in Iraq.

Underestimating the capacity of the Iranians to defend themselves, the US finds its troops pinned
down in Iraq by a military that is capable of killing them by the thousands.

What would the US do if, in yet another Bush blunder, Bush put thousands of US troops at
the immediate risk of being killed?

How would the average uneducated American, coming late to the story, react to the news that
hundreds of US servicemen and women were being killed daily?

Would this give Bush the green light for what this administration has been creating the
military doctrine for: a unilateral, first strike nuclear attack?

You bet it would and in the perverse world of the Bush family and its allies, it's possible they
may welcome the chance to finally let that particular genie out of the bottle.

Bottom line:

Once a military attack against Iran gets started, there is no imaginable positive outcome and potential negative outcomes are worse than anything any of us have seen in our lifetime.

For example:

* The reputation and moral standing of the US, which has already been smeared by the blatant criminality of the Bush administration, will be ruined, perhaps beyond repair

* Thousands of civilians and troops - perhaps tens or even hundred of thousands - could be killed or
wounded. There could be casualties in ONE DAY that dwarf all the casualties in Iraq since the invasion.

* The world economy will be thrown into a tailspin and the US economy, the world's most dependent
on oil, will be hit especially hard.

* Underlying financial instability caused by a culture of corruption and fraud (Enron, WorldCom, sub-prime mortgages etc.) will be further strained perhaps to the breaking point.

* China and Russian, two very formidable potential enemies with human, natural and technological
resources equivalent to the US, may decide (if they already haven't) that they need to join forces
to "check" US power and may begin to do so in an aggressive way.

Again, this is all great news for the oil companies, the weapons makers, the anti-Muslim and Arab zealots, the opponents of civil rights and the Constitution and plugged in Wall Street operators.

It will be a disaster for American citizens.

Disasters for average Americans is what the Bush family has been about for four generations now:

1. The great grandfather *Samuel Bush* was Woodrow Wilson's liaison to the weapon's industry and profited mightily in that role. He was one of a handful of architects "present at creation" of the modern military-industrial complex which has steadily bled the US financially and morally for private
profit for decades.

2. The grandfather *Prescott Bush* was US banker to the Nazis, helping them before, during, and after World War II with their financial operations.

3. Bush Sr. was behind the Iran-Contra operation which illegally sent arms to Iran and siphoned
the profits for personal gain and to fund terrorist operations in Central America. He also worked
with the Bin Laden family and others to fund the so called Afghani resistance which became the Taliban and al Queda.

4. And finally, George W. Bush, who in seven years has done more lasting harm to to the United State than any group of external enemies, real or imagined, could ever do.

Undermining fundamental America values and strengthening US enemies been a lucrative business
for the Bush Family for four generations now.

*** Action items to stop the coming war

Let your friends and colleagues - and the media and your local representatives know that:

1. You don't buy the Bush administration's anti-Iranian propaganda

2. A war against Iran would be potentially catastrophic, much worse than the current disaster in Iraq

3. Advocacy for this war as practiced by Bush administration front groups like Freedom's Watch
is against American interests and needs to be exposed
4. Bush needs to have the war powers granted to him
post 9/11 taken away and taken away now.




Click here to visit WikiCongress to send this letter.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Union Leader Up To It's Old Tricks: Censoring Ron Paul Comments

A New Hampshire state Senator's rant against Ron Paul in the Union Leader has disappeared, leaving the odd spectacle of virtual firestorm of rebuttals to a comment that no longer exists.

read more | digg story

Editor's Note: We are saving the comments posted on the Union Leader's website for the benefit of We The People.


The voices of UnionLeader.com readers: To join UnionLeader.com's discussion of the news, use the form below.

Ron Paul & Abortion: Dr. Paul is unequivocally prolife. His very own platform (see his web-site) indicates that he has "authored legislation (HR 1094) that seeks to define life as beginning at conception." He has also filed legislation that would remove federal court jurisdiction over state abortion laws. (HR300) Coupling these two pieces of legislation, Roe v. Wade would be obviated, and all unborn life protected. And to those who suggest that this contradicts libertarian principles, one might consider that life is a fundamental prerequisite for anyone to enjoy liberty!
- Joe Geiger, Merrimack

Michael, Wow, you are pretty good at throwing out wild accusations and pejoratives with no substantial backing to them. I've served 12 years active duty in the Air Force as a pilot and a Professor at the Air Force Academy (after getting my PhD). I flew combat operations in support of Iraq, Bosnia, and Somalia. I'm active in the NH GOP, and have been a Republican since I started voting. I wholeheartedly support Ron Paul after getting very familiar with his voting record, and meeting him several times. I think I'm a far cry from a loon (although there are some loons swimming on the lake I live on). Ron Paul was one of only four Congressmen to support Ronald Reagan's initial bid for the Presidency because he valued principle over party loyalty. He was right then, and he is right today. Bush has given us the biggest entitlement increase since LBJ. It's time to take the party back to the principles of Reagan, Goldwater, Taft, Jefferson, and Washington. The NH GOP got creamed because the National party strayed from these principles. It's time we return to them nationally, and here in NH.
- James R Forsythe, Strafford, NH

Jane in Bedford: Ron Paul is about as much of a legitimate Republican as Lyndon LaRouche was a legitimate Democrat. He's not. Like Lyndon, he's attempting to steal the party label for his own twisted philosophy. Libertarians are insidious in that they lie to Republicans by telling them they want a "smaller" government just like them when in fact they want to destroy the government. To be fair, Ron Paul probably wants to destroy just the federal government, but many of his followers - whom I've had the displeasure of speaking with - want ALL government to shrivel up and die. There's a word for that: ANARCHY. No, thanks, loons.
- Michael, Manchester

This man is is a real threat to the enemies of our Constitution. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
- Leonard Spade, Woodland Hills, CA

If you are going to change your party to Republican to vote for Ron Paul- the deadline is October 12th,2007. For both New Hampshire AND New York. Do It now people-it is only a week and 5days away! Doit-doit-doit. Now Now Now Great article by the way-
- LibertySilver, Buffalo NY

My wife and I brought our baby to see Dr. Paul in Manchester. My wife was a democrat, and I was a republican. But party lines are foolish. It's the message that's important. For those of us without political agendas who only seek to make America a place in which our children can be proud to live, Ron Paul is the only option. Being there with hundreds of New Hampshire residents was very powerful. I just hope more of us can learn about the message of Dr. Paul.
- Jim Carrigan, Barrington

Fred Thompson--A CONSERVATIVE?! Josh in Manchester, Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate to get an A+ rating from the NRA and an the GOA! Fred is "ok" by their standards, but doesn't hold a stick to Ron on gun advocacy. Oh, and what about when Fred lobbied for pro-abortion groups working at his former law firm? He's also be wishy-washy on his stance on same-sex marriage (just make up your mind, Fred). I honestly don't think Fred is a bad guy, but PLEASE don't refer to him as a "real conservative." His stint in Hollywood has obviously had quite an impact on his politics. Time and time again, Ron has been referred to (from outside of his own campaign) as "the most conservative member of Congress." And yet he balances that with a "live free or die" complimentary message as a Constitutionalist. I would think folks up in NH would be in TOTAL support of Ron, given this message!
- JeffnDallas, Dallas

Bob said, "Michael has it correct. this man would create chaos. Basically he is using the republican party as his spring board." Well my answer to this would be, yes, he's running as a republican because he's a republican in the truest sense. Have you checked the platform lately? Isn't every candidate, even the rinos using the GOP as a springboard? Do you oppose that? "Then he tries to bring together anti war folks with anti tax folks with anti government folks, have I left anyone out?" Traditionally republicans are for less government and taxation, why is that so strange? "No one like war, everyone hates taxes, but reasonable people know that sometimes you have to defend your country and some how you have to pay for government services that just about everyone demands. And governments first responsibility is police and fire proctection, support your first responders." And Ron does too. "Do you remember 9-11? these folks gave their very lives for the proctection of our citizens, good grief! There are other candidates in this race that have a reasonable approch to government pick one of them and move forward..." Yes, and if you want real change, pick someone who will give it to you. I don't know why you people love to trot out '911' like it was some magical pill against all that you oppose... FACTOID: Out of 29 republicans at the Luntz focus group on Sept. 5th, not ONE approved of the UN. Which candidate do you think would REALLY help us wean ourselves from this albatross? Why is there such a disconnect between what people know is wrong and who are the people that are really on their side?
- Jane Aitken, Bedford

I have to say that I was very impressed by the rally, and my wife I drove 6 hours to get there. I estimated the crowd at 1000-1500 based on the fact there were about 50 people in the front row, and about 30 rows. Anyway, I have been so disgusted by the neocon control of the Republican Party that I actually left the party a few years back. I am so pleased that Dr. Paul gives us TRUE CONSERVATIVES the opportunity to take our party (and our nation) back from the special interests and the oil powers.
- Steve Martin, Amity, Maine

First thank you to the Union Leader for it column it was great . I was also at the rally Saturday and also did the walk and was overwhelmed by the support of the people who's doors i canvassed.I must say the people of New Hampshire are the most passionate people i have meet thank you for for the kindness you have shown. Now a couple of facts about Ron Paul from all i have been told each quarter all fund raise are matched by the government but it has been said that Ron Paul has turn that down and continue to turn that down I would say Ron Paul shows the integrity of a true leader since he refuses to take advantage of tax payers money he is doing all this threw his own money and thru his supporter. As a matter of fact in one week Ron Paul was able to drum up a little over one million dollars true campaign dollars from his supporter this has to say allot for our next president .The revolution has start let freedom Raine
- J J Martin, Middletown CT

Ron Paul is the GOP's best chance to win next year because he takes a away the key issue -- the War in Iraq. Unlike any other presidential candidate, Republican or Democrat, he voted against the war. If it comes down to Ron Paul and Hillary, the American people will have choice between Small and Big Government.
- James Cooke, Brookfield, Mass

What I find the most facinating about Ron Paul's message is the fact that it is always morally right (it is never justified to initiate force) yet it always works. Everything that our government does that is based on coersive force always leads to unintended consequences that are worse than the problem it intended to solve. Prohibition, welfare, foreign interventionism, and drug wars are just the tip of the iceberg. The only unarguable, legitimate function of government is to protect people and their property from threat and aggression by others. Everything else is highly suspect because it means the government is the aggressor. What a breath of fresh air to hear Ron Paul's principled yet pragmatic stand spreading like wildfire.
- Steve Ryan, Newburyport

Methinks Mr. Paul is in for some tough sledding here in a state where the socialists have even managed to oultlaw smoking in privately owned drinking establisnments. The Live Free or Die motto has already been dead an buried here.
- rick b, nottingham

Michael, Bob, and other public SERVANTS I vote. I will be voting in NH. I live in the state of NH. I will make sure others vote. We will vote in ALL the races. Get it? ;) Ron Paul 2008 Who are YOUR constituents? Answer: We ALL are.
- Lou, Peterborough

Dear James in Amherst, if Paul had support in THIS state, he wouldn't need outsiders. Many Dems are doing this too, as is Rudy. That's not how it works here. I see the loons posted this article's link to a Libertarian chat board and they're dutifully marching over here to praise the Great Leader. These lemmings have no idea what the Constitution says, only what they THINK it says. They hope to turn the clock back to the 1800s, but the Constitution is a poor instrument for that task, and is not a document for Luddites. Bob Letourneau is right - this dangerous anarchist and his crew of provocateurs would be a disaster for the NH GOP. It's ironic that these 9/11 consipracy theorists are hijacking the Republican Party for their own purposes.
- Michael, Manchester

If I may address John Edward Mercier's post, Dr. Paul does not support Federal legislation opposing abortion. Though he personally is not in favor of abortion, he believes that each state should pass its own legislation with regard to this matter. This would, of course, be in keeping with the Constitution which advocated states' rights.
- Marilyn A. Guinnane, Sebastopol, CA

Michael from Manchester, the people from Connecticut, Mass, and Canada came to NH to knock on people's doors, and to spread the word. Since Ron Paul is a threat to the other candidates the mainstream media isn't giving him any attention. You are only one citizen in NH. You cannot possibly speak for the rest of the state. To label his supporters as "whacked out", "conspiracy theorists" who say that they "want to overthrow the government" is your own opinion, and it's an opinion that you're trying to push on other people. Most likely in an attempt to keep people from looking into Ron Paul's stances. Trying to discredit someone without any real facts (as you have) is the lowest form of ignorance.
- James, Amherst NH

Is there any one person who could say the quality of their life wouldn't be better if the IRS did not exist and a more "FAIR TAX" replaced it? Take a good look Dr Paul is not the only candidate on the side of good reason. Greg Barrett 65 West Merrimack St.
- Greg Barrett, Manchester

He wants limited government, but wants laws against abortion. Isn't this like a liberal saying I like the First Amendment, but want the Second subverted? And why is the IRS and Fed the scapegoats for a dysfunctional Congress? Does Dr. Paul understand the limits of Presidential powers, or does he intend to be all three branches at once?
- John Edward Mercier, Belmont

At last. Finally, in my 73rd year, there is a presidential candidate that makes sense, has values and is honest. Halleljah!
- Don Stacey, Beverly, MA

Finally!! A candidate that has captured my interest. Somebody saying something real. Somebody giving something more than lip service to the word freedom. For a change, somebody running for President that would represent the people rather than just big money! Sounds good so far. Now if he can become a household name?!
- T Porter, Raymond

In response to Bob Letourneau: Defending the country is one thing. What do the actions we've taken in Iraq have to do with defending our country? Did Congress ever make a declaration of this war? Were weapons of mass destruction ever found? Was any reason ever given for our invasion of Iraq found to be credible or verifiable? As well, correct me if I'm wrong, but police and fire departments are not paid for with federal money. To say that we would no longer have police and fire protection without the IRS is a fallacy. Let's face it. The IRS takes our money, and an absolutely astronomical percentage of that money is used to intervene in countries where we don't belong. People are tired of this. What's more, another huge chunk of cash goes every year to Israel, which with its own cache of weapons, including nukes, is quite capable of defending itself. But we continue to send OUR money to them, thereby putting OURSELVES in danger from those who are outraged at our obvious bias.
- Savannah, Chicago

Candidate Ron Paul’s support of the our Constitutional Republic and specifically the second amendment is why Gun Owners of New Hampshire awarded him a live membership. He is the right man to be the next president for all the right reasons.
- Ken Blevens, Bow

Wow, Bob, how do you deduce from this article that anyone is talking about not supporting police and firefighters? Way to follow Giuliani's lead and use 9/11 as political leverage even when it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. It's ok to think for yourself, you know. Do you honestly think getting rid of the income tax would cut services in this country? Here's a little economics for you- no income tax equals more disposable income per household, equals more consumption, equals a healthier economy, equals more corporate profits, equals more taxable corporate profits (the LEGAL taxes as intended), equals essentially the same government income. But, you just keep eating the bull they feed you. It's much easier to give them your money and not think about the real reasons why. And Michael from Manchchester- Are all Mitt supporters flip-flopping Mormons? Are all Hillary supporters gay? Are all Giuliani supporters tied to the mob? Ignorance of the type you've demonstrated in your response is the reason this country elects idiots like George W. or cronies like Hillary into office.
- Jay, Manchester NH

Mr. Bob Letourneau , who does not identify himself as the NH State Senator who has endorsed Mitt (Flip-Flopper) Romney, should surely know that the Income Tax does not pay for local Fire and Police protection. Either "Bob" is uneducated or is trying to mislead people. I would also like "Bob" to explain how invading a 3rd world country like Iraq was was somehow "defending" our country. Ron Paul is the strongest defender our our lliberties and our Great Constitution!!
- Jason Howard, Dover

I like to think of myself as a perfectly reasonable man, and I'll be voting for Dr. Paul. I think many of the other commenters underestimate both the power of Dr. Paul's message and the strength of his support. There's nothing wacko about limiting the federal government to the size outlined in the Constitution, and the vast majority of Americans want the US military out of Iraq pronto. Dr. Paul's appeal lies in the fact that he is a principled, reasonable man, who is running this campaign not for personal gain, but out of a sincere desire to see the people of America succeed.
- Ed Green, Manchester

Union Leader - thanks for the great coverage. I'm ready to renew my subscription now that you have started to cover Dr Paul. Senator Letourneau - Police and Fire are funded through local tax dollars, not through the federal government. To insinuate that Ron Paul would somehow get rid of this function of government is very misleading, and completely inaccurate. All Ron Paul wants to do is apply the NH brand of conservatism to Washington - limited government, fiscal responsibility, and following the Constitution. It's sad to see resistance to this in the NH GOP, since these adherence to these principles is what has made NH great.
- James Forsythe, Strafford, NH

I was in attendance and thought the rally was well organized and I had a great time meeting other Ron Paul supporters. I want to thank your paper for such an accurate account of the day.
- James Tsika, Bridgewater, Ma.

Bob, C'mon, let's be honest. There's nothing 'reasonable' about going with the status quo. It requires no reasoning to go with what already exists; indeed, it takes no thinking at all. If the dangerous downhill slide of the current status quo is what you want, then simply tell people to close their eyes and ears and vote for Puppet A, B or C. If you want real, positive change and improvement that is squarely based on honorable principles that founded this country, then the only choice you have is Ron Paul.
- Robert, Concord

The people of this country have been neoconned for more than 18 years now. If rudymcromney or hillobamaedwards are elected/selected then expect more of the same if not worse. Ron Paul is all about "live free or die" and he has my support.
- Russell Buote, Epsom

Ron Paul has thousands of supporters here in New Hampshire! Traditional Republican values are making a comeback here and it's only because of how far we have strayed from our principles in the GOP that we have lost so many recent elections. Advocating for the restoration of our liberty and restraining government actions is why Ron Paul is doing so well here. There were 700 people at this rally. I have to wonder why the Union Leader only quoted supporters from out of State.
- Andy, Manchester, NH

The founding fathers wrote the Constitution to protect citizens from being tyrannized by their government. Dr. Paul never votes for, nor proposes legislation, unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. It is a horrific day when American citizens refer to supporters of the founding fathers as wackos. They must truly be turning in their graves.
- Maureen Karpf, Manchester, NH

I went to the event and the outpouring of energy and excitement was moving and the turnout was incredible - most people I talked to were estimating 500-600 people. Ending the IRS would bring the same economic advantage and boom we have seen in NH to the rest of the nation. Sales for businesses would rise, new businesses would open en masse, lowering unemployment and increasing wages for all. When we need to defend our nation as in WW2, people will do everything they can to help, as they did then. If that happens, Ron Paul would be the first to defend us.
- James Maynard, Temple

Ron Paul just took in over $1,000,000 in campaign donations in less than one week, and the donations are still pouring in. For his real-time donation meter, see his campaign website. http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ Ron Paul has supporters all over the world, and YES, he has MANY supporters all over the country. With what we've allowed our country to become, we're lucky there are any men like Ron Paul left to help get the country back on track.
- Paul, Tempe, AZ

Does anyone else think this guys a nut job?
- John, Manchester

Just look at Paul's past performance and you will see a man who means what he says! He will be the main ingredient in getting our nation back on it's feet and back to the people who are not the servants, but the owners of this land. We will perish in the mud of lies, theft, and power mongering if anyone else gets in. This is serious stuff folks, we need Ron Paul to lead us with the Constitution as was intended way back in the days of the birth of this land. May God be with us in the days ahead.
- Dan S, Holbrook, Massachusetts

I'm a New Hampshire Republican. I don't recall Ron Paul telling people to overthrow the government and police by force. Ron Paul believes in the right to bear arms. He believes the Jeffersonian ideal of government. Limited federal govt, strong state governments. Romney (as a mormon) believes that Adam/Eve lived in america. He believes Jesus Christ came back to the native americans. There is public video showing Rudy Giuliani cross-dressing. Do you think these our top two candidates are going to win the election? I will vote Ron Paul!
- David C. Graner, Manchester, NH

Dr. Paul is the only candidate who wants ro return us to the ideals of the Founding Fathers, and the principles enshrined in the Constitution. It is truly a sad time in our nation, when this position is equated with the "fringe" postions as stated by Bob and Michael.
- Sam, Manchester

First, thanks to the Union leader for allowing a forum for our expression. To those who say vote for anyone but Ron Paul, that is exactly what has happened at each election and now we are in the worst mess in our history.Other Candidates are just more of the same and the same is not good enough. This is becoming a totalitarian Government and Ron Pauls Ideas are right on. As for the socialist/Facist's that oppose him, I say, let them get a job and stop living off of the spoils the government steals from the working poor and the middle class. End the IRS. The Browns are Patriots, not kooks.
- Jean, Chester

If you're happy with the status quo, by all means, follow Rudy McRomney. They offer more of the same. Those who want to stop our decline should back Paul or a third party candidate.
- Morey, Manchester, NH

This is the first canidate to get me interested...he's REAL and for the majority of Americans. We need to focus on what this country was originally for...and that didn't include sticking our noses in other countries' business. Look...we did JUST fine before we started acting like nosey neighbors.
- TMG, Bedford

Thank you for an objective report. Ron Paul gives us a real choice. He is a man of integrity, honesty, humility and consistency. His devotion to the Constitution brings us together and removes any uncertainty as to how he would apply his presidential veto. He will not pander to special interests. If it's not in the Constitution, you can bet Ron Paul will veto.
- Albert Meyer, Plano TX

I don't think Bob understands freedom. What does "reasonable" mean? Giving almost 50% of everything you make to government selected groups of people, locking up more individuals than any other country, even china and north Korea, mostly for crimes with no victim? Or is reasonable paying more to educate a public school student then it costs to educate a child in a private school only with much worse results? You do know that our dollar is worth 96% less since the founding of the Fed, don't you? You must have also known that getting rid of the IRS would only reduce the federal budget to what it was in the year 2000, didn't you? Probably you do know this information but, collecting a government check is nice isn't it?
- John Perry, Manchester, NH

Michael and Bob, I am a regisetered NH republican and Ron Paul has my full support and my vote (along with many other people I know, republicans, democrats and independents alike, all from the 'live free or die' state). Ron Pauls message of freedom and limited, honest government is what this state and our country are supposed to be about, perhaps that is why his message resonates so well with NH voters (evidence of his support is everywhere in the form of lawn signs and bumper stickers and at every event where his supporters always outnumber all others by a wide margin). If you prefer to live in a totalitarian police state you should probably move to China (or back to massachusetts), there is no place for this type of government in America even if you've been brainwashed into thinking it's for your own good, and the Ron Paul Freedom Revolution is just beginning... ~ "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams
- Mark Tremblay, Milford

Ron Paul has taken an oath, at least 10 times, to support and defend the Constitution -- not just the physical document, but the fundamental liberty-protecting concepts expressed within it. He insists on being (uniquely, among major-party politicos) consistently faithful to that oath. This country's citizens have become as dependent on government as a newborn on its mother, and if those who prefer personal responsibility to an oppressive nanny state wish to retain control, in any substantive way, of their own lives and property, we must begin to wean the country from this unnatural and unintended dependence on servant government. Soon. If "just about everyone demands" something unauthorized to government, the market will provide. Gandhi said, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." It took a while, but clearly Dr. Paul has now advanced to at least step 2. Ahh, progress...
- Bill, Weare

As a former NH resident now living in Minnesota, it's great to hear that Ron Paul is doing so well in the Granite State! I would just like to ask Bob Letourneau something. On 9/11, who actually prevented some of the terrorist attacks - Government 'first responders' that he advocates, or private citizens as Ron Paul advocates. IT seems that when Flight 93 went down in the PA field, it was all private citizens who took care of business. All the Government did (despite knowing about middle eastern people learning to fly planes without learning to land them before 9/11) was manage to get a lot of their own people killed. If it was not for private defense (ie the airplane passengers), the whole attack would have gone off without a hitch.
- Hal Cranmer, Lakeville, MN

Great rally! I cant remember the last time I actually believed a politician when he spoke. It was truly refreshing to hear him speak. He really does give us hope for the future of this great country.
- Bryan, Antrim, NH

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Paul yesterday. A charming, down to earth guy. To those saying there were no one or few people from NH there they are wrong. The majority of the crowd/license plates were from NH. I would also like to congratulate Dr Paul in raising over a $1,000,000 in online donations in ONE WEEK!
- Samuel, Lebanon NH

"he tries to bring together anti war folks with anti tax folks with anti government folks" I think that is the best summation of Ron Paul's position except for "He reads and believes in and supports the Constitution." What a concept! A politician who has a plan to really shrink the federal government. Go Ron Paul!
- DenisL, Manchester

It's interesting how some people think the world will spin out of its orbit if we were to repeal the income tax. The income tax is less than one third of the federal budget, and taking that away would reduce the budget back to year 2000 level. Would world chaos ensue if we were to back the federal budget off to year 2000 spending levels? Would anarchy erupt if we were to leave Iraq? Or will we as Americans be safer in a post 9/11 world if we invaded Iran next month. Oh and maybe we should invade Myanmar too, and stop the military oppression there. And if China has a problem with that, we can just bomb them too and force them to stop polluting the planet while we're at it. (All sarcasm intended. Please use your brain and support Ron Paul, the only man that has deserved the presidency in decades.)
- Ben Peckham, Nashua

Sunday, September 30, 2007

New World Order = One World Fascist Dictatorship

Hat Tip to Brits4RonPaul who wrote:

Let's get something straight. The reason people like Ron Paul and people like me don't want a "New World Order", is because it is IMPOSSIBLE, for a one world government to be anything but a fascist dictatorship. The power elite know this and they know that people would say no to it, if it was openly declared as such.

Even the smaller building blocks towards this NWO such as the European Union and North American Union, can not possibly be anything but a dictatorship. Democracy only works on a very small level. The founding fathers of the USA knew this, which is how the constitution came about.

Now maybe, just maybe if that same constitution was applied to the world, then it could work. That isn't what is on offer here though. Instead we have a clearly socialist plan to control and regulate every ones lives, right down the the most granular level.

Anything that has been build on deceit and lies, just as the NWO/EU/NAU/UN and all the other organisations that see to control our lives, will surely lead to the most corrupt government of all time. Will people learn from history? Will they look at how these fake empires (as the president of the EU likes to think of it as) have failed time and time again.

Let us stop the foolishness now. We the people do not want a power elite controlling our every move, keeping us in relative poverty while they live the life of Gods. They truly believe they are special and more deserving than the rest of us and are hell bent on making sure that happens.

Just look at what your political masters award themselves and ask the question, are your best interests their primary concern?

Of course they aren't. They have been corrupted by power and greed, just has always been the way. The only solution is to restrict size of government. Make sure it never has too much power and only does what it supposed to do. A network of smaller, free trading democracies around the world has much more chance of keeping a stable, free world, than some fake merged one world dictatorship. It's time we the people started to take our liberty BACK and end this game if deceit by the power elites now.

And if you still think this is a conspiracy theory, rather than a fact, then I have to ask what planet you are living on.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ron Paul BIG Sign Walk After The 9/22/07 Rally

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 1

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 2

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 3

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 4

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 5

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 6

Post Ron Paul Chicago Rally BIG Sign Walk Part 7

Editor's Note: The sign cost $20 "off the truck" in Des Moines Iowa on June 30th. Parking in the Prudential Plaza parking garage was $14. We conservatively figure that our 30 minute "BIG Sign Walk" exposed at least 10,000+ individuals to the existence of Ron Paul. This is a very efficient and great way to get the word out about Ron Paul.

I/we did this "BIG Sign Walk" because I could not make the "Ron Paul Sign March" from Millenium Park prior to the rally. My boys play baseball and soccer and it's pretty crazy trying to fit everything in on the weekends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

911 Flatline: Because YOU CAN Handle The Truth!!

911 flatline part 1

911 flatline part 2

911 flatline part 3

911 flatline part 4

Monday, August 20, 2007

Now Forming: International Partners In Peace (IPP)

Hat Tip to soulmantim who wrote:

Now forming the International Partners in Peace (IPP).
Fellow Ron Paul supporters from other countries please watch this video.

We are attempting to form a collection of images and videos of worldwide supporters, but we need your help.

Here is what I'm looking for:
Pictures or Videos should include one or two supporters holding a Ron Paul sign or with clothing that says Ron Paul on it.

Please take the video or picture at one of your country's landmarks holding the sign up for proof you are there.

Please send me a private message if you have posted a video of you or other supporters from another country.
Include: If Youtube Video the URL, if picture I will give you my email to send it to, if there is a quote from a supporter give me your native language and then a rough translation.

The reason I bring this up is because there are skeptics out there that don't understand that the notion of peace, freedom, and liberty are universal.

And that because the world is smaller than before, that Ron Paul support has massed even in other countries!

Thank you,
Long live peace.

Ron Paul '08 (more)

Editor's Note: The Freedom Fellowship and The Ron Paul Peace Train - which was just formed yesterday - are proud sponsor/member/supporters of this effort!

The Message is the Same - Vote for Ron Paul

Hat Tip to soulmantin who wrote:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Ron Paul

Simply by adhering to the constitution, both Dr. Paul and Dr.MLK Jr. spoke of equality and against unjust wars.

We shouldn't judge by the color of ones skin, but the content of their character.

We shouldn't be spreading democracy through the barrel of a gun.

Dr.MLK jr. was constantly monitored by the FBI. As an attack to dismantle the message he was preaching the IRS bankrupt Dr. MLK jr and they have for many civil rights leaders and those preaching free thought.

Dr. Ron Paul has had such an attack from those that claim he is a racist. All it took was a insider writing on Ron Paul's newsletter and a corrupt journalist (paid off by the GOP) intentionally misquoting Ron Paul.

Now, Ron Paul is fighting to abolish the IRS, take on the Federal Reserve, and destroy Income tax. He fights for our constitution and civil liberties granted within it.

Vote for Dr. Ron Paul '08

The Message is the Same
Income tax means the government stakes claim on your life, that the money you make doing work somehow belongs to the government. That the government grants you your liberties and freedom.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the greatest speakers in our American history. Few can claim similar conviction, emotion, and master of the word.

Again, like always, I invite all comments, questions, criticisms.
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Vote for Ron Paul '08